Victory Vision

“Our Church exists to GATHER with likeminded believers to worship our Savior, GIVE back to the community the God has placed around us, and GROW individuals as well as families in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ”

Victory Kids


Victory Baptist Church is committed to providing a worship experience that is conducive for all ages. Whether a Sunday or Wednesday, you can always hear the laughter and witness the glamour in the eyes of the children while in the children's wing of our campus.

Super Church

Every Sunday during the 11am Service ages Kindergarten - 5th Grade gather in our Children's wing to hear a Bible lesson on their level, Sing songs that are personal to their age group, and enjoy a craft that pertains to the lesson.

The Sword Bible Club

Every Wednesday evening from 6:50 - 8:00 a group of kids ages 2 - 12 gather together with their specific age group to enjoy a Bible lesson as well as a game.

Victory Youth/Young Adult

What makes Victory Baptist such a special place for families to gather is the fact that no matter what your age is, there is a place for you! 

Wednesday Night Meetings

Every Wednesday night from 6:30 - 8:00 in the Multipurpose Building. Enjoy a Bible message that is specifically for the youth and young adults.

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning at 10am the Youth (Ages 6th Grade - 12th Grade) and Young Adults (12th Grade - 25 y/o) separate for Sunday school.

Victory Adults

Wednesdays In The Word

Every Wednesday night the Adults of our Church and throughout our community gather for an intentional, in depth study of the scriptures led by our Senior Pastor.

Victory Missions

Victory Missions consists of three specific areas… In our COMMUNITY, Across our COUNTRY, and around the WORLD!

In Community

Victory Missions is actively serving in the Schools, Assisted Living Facilities, as well as a local Homeless Housing Facility.

Across Our Country

Victory Missions is involved weekly in ministering in America. Through preachers in our church and missionaries we support, God has allowed our Church to take part in making an impact nationwide.

Around The World

Victory Missions has actively been involved in supporting ministries around the world both through financial avenues, as well as mission trips with serving needs. We believe that each area of the great commission must be attended to when considering the obedience to fulfill the scriptures.