At Victory Baptist Church you will find that everything we do is for one purpose and that is to glorify Christ. From our blend of hymns and southern gospel music to an encouraging, yet convicting message from God's word you will be encouraged and challenged.
Christ Centered worship

Victory Baptist Church has a heart and a burden to minister to hurting families. If there has ever been a day and hour that the church needs to rise and be the church God intended it is in the day in which we live. Our "Hands and Feet of Christ Ministry" rallies together each and every time there is a need. We work closely with Dr. Tim Beam the Chief of Federal Programs and Student Support of Lincoln County to insure that we are impacting the families that have the greatest needs.
Victory Baptist of Denver NC is a proud supporter of our community! We have a team of young men and women that go into local public and private schools each week to share the gospel, to serve, and disciple.

Service Times
Sunday Mornings
10:00 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Worship
11:00 am - Worship
Sunday Evenings
6:00 pm
Wednesday Evenings
7:00 pm